A 10 year old’s assay: My Christmas Day

December 27, 2014 | By admin | Filed in: What are the fun things we do?.

By @ 5th grade

I emerge from my sleep with a smile as big as the moon on my face. The holiday joy because Christmas is here. I left my door open last night to see that Gunner sleeping on my feet keeping me pinned to my bed. When Gunner finally wakes up he jumps off the bed and runs down the stairs. I follow him downstairs. Gunner jumps frantically up and down urging me to let him out. I creak open the door and a cool blustery breeze brushes my face. Gunner leaped out the door to the front yard.

It was Christmas so my stalking was full of toys and goodies. I pulled the stalking off the hook on the fireplace. There were three pullback racers, a toy submarine, and a bunch of other stuff. I started to play with the racers, but dad rolled over and reminded me that it wasn’t just me in the house. I still played with them but made sure that they didn’t hit ANYTHING. I played with the seal the rest of the time until the clock struck ten o  clock. Amazingly my dad was still asleep. He specifically told me to wake him up at ten.
I walked upstairs as quiet as I could. When I got to my dad’s room door, I creaked open the door and walked over to dad and pushed him a bit. “Dad, wake up.”
“You wanted me to wake you up at ten.” I said watching dad slowly open his eyes.
“Give me some time to wake up” he replied. I ran into my room to get my clothes on. My dad seemed to have woken up when I walked out of my room with a long sleeve shirt on and some jeans on.

I perambulated downstairs to get breakfast for me.
The taquetas wee frozen so I had to put them in the micro wave to get them warmed up. I set the micro wave timer to 36 seconds just for a warm up. The crispy breakfast came out of the microwave looking absolutely delicious. I ate the food so fast you couldn’t even say “ready”. My dad strolled down the stairs wearing jeans like me. “Time to get Nana.” dad said.
“Awesome.” I replied. Dad threw me the keys and said,
“Warm up the truck please.” Dad told me. I ran outside with the keys in my hand. The frozen truck door was not going to ruin my Christmas. I wrenched the door open and threw the keys into the ignition. CHHH. The truck engine coughed to life. I ran back inside to wait for the truck to warm up. “It should take five minutes to warm up the truck.” dad told me.
“That will give us enough time to get warmed up.” I replied.

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